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Friday, October 7, 2016

Why Teenagers Need Braces

The idea of getting braces may at first be daunting to a teenager.

But the benefits definitely make it worthwhile.

It may be hard to believe at first but the long-term benefit is a better smile that makes you look great.

Truth is about 70% of US teenagers need braces so, if you look around your class, probably about two out of three of your friends have braces or will have them soon.

Just take a look in the mirror and decide if you like your smile.

Whatever you think now, your orthodontist will make your smile even better.

Think about how much that will boost your social life.

However, it's not just about your smile, there are many health benefits of braces:

- You will be able to chew your food better: When teeth are not straight, you can't chew your food correctly. This can cause an upset stomach.

- You will avoid dental problems: If you do not get orthodontic treatment when you need it, your teeth will be hard to clean and your gums will hurt.

- You may avoid developing a breathing problem: The roof of your mouth can sometimes partially block the air passages in your nose. This causes you to snore loudly and may contribute to a condition called "sleep apnea".

Therefore braces can make a big difference to your life both now and in the future.

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