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Monday, October 17, 2016

When to Take Your Child to the Orthodontist

An orthodontist is a dentist who has completed extra study in how to straighten teeth by bringing the teeth, jaw bones and facial profile into proper alignment.

The best time for a child to visit an orthodontist is between the ages of five and seven.

They are already beginning to get permanent teeth and any problems from overbite and crowding will be noticeable.

As most growth happens before age 10, it is easier to achieve the desired outcome before that age.

Even in the teenage years, results may be less effective and sometimes teeth may even need to be removed.

Visiting an orthodontist when children are younger can therefore help to ensure any possible problems are dealt with early at minimum cost and inconvenience.

Orthodontic treatment can deliver results at any age but taking action early could save money while giving your child a better smile.

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